Once Baba told to a devotee ...infact asked the devotee like this ...?
Do you know our Dwarakamayee ?
But the devotee not knowing to give any answer kept quite ...
Then Baba himself told ..This is Dwarakamayee ..( where HE sits in an Masizid )
where youbare sitting now...She wards off all dangers and anxities of the childern who sits on her lap.
This Masizid Mayee ( the presiding diety ) is very merciful .
She is the Mother of Simple devotees whom SHE will save in all calamities.
Once a person sits on HER lap all the troubles of that one are over.
The person who rests on HER shade gets BLISS.
This is a ghreat assurance given by BABA himself.
Let us see...who sits in Masizid ...Only our Baba is there for sixty years continuiously .
Everbody knows how Motherly His nature is ..
Without naming himself ...Baba told every One ..that is He himself ..is a Mayee ..Mother .
Infact there is no distincdtion of gender for yogis ..
Yogis are father ...Mother ..Guru..and God .
Yogi is one for all
And all are for that one .
That is our SAI..Dwarakamayee.
Aum sai sri sai jaya jaya sai ...Aum sai sri sai dwarakamayee.
On this Mother's day ..be happy by knowing real Mother ..Dwarakamayee..
Dwarakamayee is eternal Mother.
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